Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Akshardham with her

June 22 Sunday commenced with a strange calmness that prevailed in my heart. I had a faint blueprint of the day ahead but I dint want to go beyond that because I hate planning of tasks and instead prefer to charter milestones. Anyway two of us were supposed to visit Akshardham but at the last minute a welcome guest also joined us in our quest to share some quality , quite moments.

Sun was beating down hard but that dint deters us to visit this miracle, that was created in 5 years by hundreds of people working incessantly.By after noon we were there. Personally I went with low expectation. The only charm was her calming company. But as the day began to unfold , the charm of Akshardham stared to unravel , growing bigger each time. The grand structure with very fine sculpturing can take anybody's breath away. The moment you see the fine work done on the walls , the first thought that cross your mind is that "Is this really possible today also" ? Above all it was the concept that was beautifully crafted. Three small shows were designed to convey the Concept of "Swami Narayan". And I must say concept was successfully conveyed.

While watching the shows I was always confused about the fact that my amazement is because of the show or it is because of her!!!! Every time I sat up to shift the room (During shows) , a mere thought of a walk with her was refreshing. The musical fountain which was the last event could only invoke one reaction from us, SPEECHLESS!!!

I would say the serene background of Akshardham was doing the trick. Every passing second was making us quest for more time together....

Day ended at midnight , with millions of twinkles in our eyes. We both saw millions of dreams together with open eyes. Millions of dreams were fulfilled..

Friday, June 20, 2008

Some plz Complete..

I scramble with letters to make meaningful words, I scramble with words to make beautiful phrases, phrases which make colorful phases, and i scramble with these phases to carve the story of my life.

Soul Rediscovery

When I wake up in the morning there are lots of stars in my eyes but every thing fades away till evening.When I am awake I want to sleep and when I sleep I want to wake up.When I dnt work I die to work and when I get lots of work I crib.When am alone I want to have lots of people around me but when I am with lots of people I want to be alone.

Strange.....But this is me....Dnt know what is going on in my life...

I wrote above lines about a year back......Now It's a bit different story

When I wake up in the morning there are lots of stars in my eyes and as the day progresses stars grow bigger and brighter. When I am awake want to live every sec of my life and when I sleep , there are millions of dreams reshaping every sec.Next morning I chase few of them and few are forgoten. When i dnt work I utilize that time to sharpen my axe and when I get lots of work I am break it with my already sharpened axe. When am alone I relish the silence around me and this is the best time of the day but when I am with lots of people I relish every moment I spend with them and this again is the best time of the day.

Again Strange.....But now this is me....Perhaps now I know what is going on in my life...