Thursday, August 28, 2008


There is a sense of uneasiness. My soul is not calm and has been shaken up vigorously by some mysterious occult power. Lots a things are pestering me these days. Something is always going inside my mind. Even when I am writing I am thinking of something else.

In retrospect things are going fine at my end. I am getting lots of attention from people close to me. Even on professional side things have started to fall on place. I am learning a decent pace in different areas and our mentors are as god as anyone can get anywhere. There are lot of things which I can do here and there is no dearth of opportunities. But that unease prevails time and again. Perhaps I want that unease to prevails so that I have some reason to be uneasy. But the question arises why would anyone do that? Any sane person would not and I can vouch for that.

Now that a paradox. How can a insane person vouch for the fact that he is insane? But what will you achieve by being sane. Out of 1 billion almost billion are sane in our country but everything but saneness prevails here. I don't want to be sane because it does not help to be sane. Does it help being insane then? It does not help either. ......

Every iconoclast, every nonconformist, every revolutionary is insane. They have to be because being sane does not help. You have to transcend your sane consciousness to reach to the that level of insaneness. But why do you want to reach there? I would say that to know that you have to reach there. Till that time keep overcoming your sane consioness and else it will keep over coming you...

Perhaps this is the reason why my soul is at unease. Perhaps I am trying to dodge my sane conscious or vice versa.........